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Sick of those horrid paper nametags that always fall over and make an awful mess? If you do, it's about time for something new and exciting! Well, for this we have an amazing solution — The Acrylic Name Board! To wear at work displaying your name in a fun and fancy way Its not a name tag, it's something cool that can make your space feel like yours and more welcoming.

You Often See Acrylic Name BoardsThese clearly. shinny material looks great on any desk or office setting. Just pop this on your desk for everyone to know it's yours or hang in up high and let the world notice. This way, people will remember whose cup it is. It also gives your office personality, and makes it feel that much more of a place you can call all yours.

Tired of paper nametags that always fall over? Try an acrylic name board for a more professional touch.

Acrylic name boards are unlike paper nametags which can curl and easily fall or get damaged. They are free-standing and won't fall over, so you don't have to worry about someone knocking into them accidentally spilling out all the contents on your desk. And there you go, your work-space roped in neatly. What is great about them, to begin with, is that they are made easy for you so no matter what your name board will look nice and new. And the best part is that they are reusable so you can keep using them.

Your acrylic name board can also be customized! They have a selection of alternatives with styles varying from skinny to basic, sizes form regular fit to plus dimensions, and colors. It obviously means you can have a name board developed that resonates exactly with your personality. Whether you are into monochrome or want something with more pop, the POANG chair is your blank canvas for personalization – and a display of how Swedish home-cool you really are.

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