その特定のプラスチックは Deyuan のアクリルで、企業が販売している商品を人々に見せるために使用する看板など、あらゆる形状に成形できます。アクリル看板は、非常に流行の照明装飾になります。 アクリルディスプレイケース effect catches the eye of any passer-by and makes them stop for a closer look. Particularly handy when the lights are turned off at, and you can't see out of doors. An LED Sign You Can Customize: Point Customers Right to Your Door
Deyuanの照明付きアクリル看板の素晴らしいところは、どんな色、素材、外観でも作れることです。これは、印刷物やサンプル保管用のスタンドのストアで、他のものよりも速いスピードで市場に出回っているかもしれません。つまり、これらの看板は照明付きのもので、実際には アクリルディスプレイボックス is the reason why customers become happy when they see them. Imagine a great bright sign — how can your customers NOT be tempted to stop and see what is inside, even though you only illuminate this at?
さらに、徳源のアクリル照明看板は別の形で、バックライトを点灯できます。これを実現するには、ライトが看板の後ろに収まり、アクリルを通して明るく輝きます。照明付きまたはバックライト付きのアクリル看板は、特に歩行者の多い場所にある、より高い視認性を必要とするビジネスの間で最も人気があります。 キャストシート 通行人の記憶に残り、ショーウインドウを見てその店を思い出し、次回の訪問を促します。
LEDは人気があり、照明付きアクリル看板を効果的に設計するのと同じくらい多くの利点があります。エネルギー効率が良く、消費電力が少ないため、請求書を大幅に節約できます。さらに、耐久性があるため、LEDライトは頻繁に交換する必要なく、明るい看板を企業に保証します。無害に見える列のライトの下に大量の色を隠し、それらを何にでも変更したり、 ピンクのアクリル板 代わりに、LED を使って好きなように踊ってみてください。実質的には、氷山の一角の標識になります。
まとめると、照明付きアクリル看板は、企業が美しさと顧客基盤を拡大するための優れた手段です。店舗は、照明を設置し、アクリル素材を使用することで、独自の特別な看板を作成できます。 水族館用アクリル板 遠くからでも魅力的に見えます。これには、看板を優しく照らす穏やかなバックライトと、LED をフルに使用して複数の色に変化させる機能が含まれます。
Having no scratches, no deburs. Grade A acrylic is very beautiful and elegant. No toxic material and no smell. Exquisite, fashionable. Fast delivery, the sample time is 3-4 days. Excellent workmanship, excellent after-sales service. High quality and reasonable cost. CNC machines High precision Acrylic signage lighted. Automated cutting of raw materials. Laser marking machine. Having screenprint machine, Golding stamping machine. With thermoforming machines, drilling machines, and a router. Diamond polishing machine and cloth polishing machines. With facing machines. Sand-blasting machine. Having Oven machine.
Guangzhou Deyuan Plastic Products Co. Ltd. is one of the oldest lighting material factories in China and a top manufacturer of acrylic products. It established in Acrylic signage lighted in 1985. Besides, the main parts of production lines and equipment are sourced from Taiwan, the UK and Italy and the raw materials are 100% Lucite, LG Mitsubishi and Sumitomo. We have 12 production lines with a capacity of 2500 tons/month. Our customers at home and around the world are pleased by the quality.
DEYUANACRYLIC is a manufacturer of acrylic that manufactures acrylic shoe boxes/Perspex boxes/ Acrylic signage lighted/PMMA sheets/Acrylic Tube/Ac Mirror. Our company provides an all-inclusive, one-stop solution to our clients. Our company offers a complete assortment of acrylic products including design and printing, through manufacturing, packaging and finishing. All kinds of acrylic displays and boxes, as well as crafts and stationery, kitchenware housewares, acrylic promotional products and more. are part of the acrylic products. We export 90percent of our merchandise to North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, totaling over 40 countries and districts. Our company is in compliance with the international standards for trading and standards. Our company follows the international standard and is well-known in the field as a manufacturer of acrylic-based products.
We offer a wide range of services within our firm. Our company provides complete services for acrylic products, from design and printing to manufacturing packaging, finishing and packaging. Acrylic products encompass all kinds of acrylic display boxes, as well as gifts, Acrylic signage lighted, crafts, items, kitchen accessories housewares, homewares and other promotional products as well as other items. Our products are exported into more than 40 countries across North America, Europe and Asia. Our company follows all international standards of trading guidelines and regulations. Our company abides by international standards and is renowned in the business as a manufacturer of acrylic products.