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The Acrylic LED Board indicates how you can make those boring white walls, a heck more exciting!! This awesome board is made of a powerful clear material (acrylic). It glows with had bright and vibrant colors especially when you activate its built-in LED lights which is guaranteed to light everyone's interest up.

The greatest thing about the Acrylic LED Board is that you design your own message! Its downloading with some letters.And number that you will set it as u wish to combine. You can write your name, share a saying you like or even put something to make people smile. And you can vary your message all while simply rearranging the tiles at will. It is an enjoyable manner of being a little bit inventive.

    2) "Customize Your Message with the Acrylic LED Board

    Acrylic LED Board makes you extraordinary in any space! You can put it in your room, living room or even the classroom for example. It will certainly intrigue people and get them talking! The LED lights are available in bright blue, vibrant green and soft pink. plus you can flash or change the lights in sequences to give it that extra special effect will wow any one who sees your display!

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