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Lucite boxes are perfect storage for small treasures, keeping everything safe and organized! Having these little boxes for your special stuff allows you to fold away neatly and keeps the clutter down in home. You can use them to play everyday items, jewels, coin or any small things. These never fail lucite boxes are practical and simple–no searching required.

    Transparent design for showcasing your trinkets

    The lucite boxes are clear which I love because you can see what is inside! The beaded pouch design is transparent to help you see inside so that your misplaced or forgotten items are a thing of the past. Не важно — хотите вы повесить любимое ожерелье на показ или держать доступными особые монеты, луситовые коробки работают как все так и для общения вашего сокровищами. This way, you get to savor your favorite pieces everyday!

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